Vetevendosje proposes its draft-resolution on the tariff
The head of the Vetevendosje Parliamentary Group in the Assembly of Kosovo, Rexhep Selimi, have proposed a draft-resolution on the tariff for Serbian goods.
1. The Republic of Kosovo is committed to political negotiations between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia, which will result in mutual recognition.
2. The Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo reiterates that the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, state sovereignty, territorial integrity and the unitary state character of the Republic of Kosovo are inviolable. No one has the right to talk, dialogue or negotiate about the sovereignty, territorial integrity, constitutional order or unitary character of the Republic of Kosovo.
3. In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, and the Judgment of the Constitutional Court no. K043/19, from June 27, 2019, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo is mandated to conduct talks and/or dialogue with Serbia, and to make preparations for negotiations and to negotiate a possible final agreement, which will result with a mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia, within the unsurpassed lines of the constitutional order of our Republic.