The Pristina Airport claims it established appropriate measures against the coronavirus
The world is facing deadly virus called coronavirus, and its first victims were identified in Wuhan, China, in the beginning of January. Thousands have died so far and new cases are being reported each day, around the world.
Suspicions of cases infected by the coronavirus were raised in Kosovo as well, although all turned out to be negative. Fear is increased as the closest place to Kosovo that has been affected by the Coronavirus is Italy. Six victims have been reported in Italy so far, from 224 affected.
In a statement to Periskopi, the Pristina International Airport Spokesperson, Valentina Gara, says the airport took all necessary precautions in order to take care of the passengers. According to her, there is already a doctor and a nurse at the gates, and they’re in charge of all suspected cases, or if any passenger declares that have any health issue.
”We are working on the recommendations of the Public Health National Institute (PHNI) and have our own medical team, ready to intervene 24/7, which consist of a physician and a nurse. If any passenger shows flu symptoms they’re checked and, in case of suspicion, they are isolated in the quarantine inside the airport, before the PHNI is notified about the case,” Gara explained.
Otherwise, today the PHNI received information from the UCCK Infectious Disease Clinic about a suspected patient with Coronavirus COCID-19. The patient had fever, eye-burn, runny nose and sensitive throat, which were the deadly virus-like symptoms. However, based on medical tests result turned out to be negative.