Thaci: The Final agreement with Serbia needs a social consensus
Kosovo’s President, Hashim Thaci, said that Kosovo is the homeland of all its inhabitants, and that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is trying to confirm this. According to him, the final agreement is also aimed at this. Therefore, Thaci said that a political and social consensus is needed about the final agreement with Serbia.
“We will throughout Kosovo face the questions why Serbia did not apologize, and that’s appropriate. You will also face questions on why EULEX, UNMIK have sentenced more Albanians, or why no one has been convicted for the massacres in Kosovo, hence these questions should also be answered,” Periskopi reports what Thaci have said.
“From all discussions that took place so far and the contacts we’ve had, the whole political spectrum agrees to look at the future, towards NATO and the EU integrations, rule of law and a multi-ethnic Kosovo. Hence there’s a broad consensus about internal reconciliation in Kosovo. Kosovo needs internal reconciliation through this Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Kosovo can’t wait for the moment when Serbia will be available. The message to this process of Ambassador Kosnett was encouraging, as well as that of the Swiss Ambassador Lebert, and the support given by all states. I think Kosovo is doing what it should do, although more than two decades have passed already. However, I think it is an example for the region. In addition to political consensus, it is necessary to build an internal consensus among citizens. We’ve said earlier that Kosovo is the homeland of all its citizens, though the only opportunity for moving forward is by opening a new chapter, without conflicts, hatred and hostility. We are trying to do this with the agreement that can be reached between Kosovo and Serbia. It’s therefore crucial to maximally or completely avoid the politicization of this process. We will throughout Kosovo face the questions why Serbia did not apologize, and that’s appropriate. You will also face questions on why EULEX, UNMIK have sentenced more Albanians, or why no one has been convicted for the massacres in Kosovo, hence these questions should also be answered. What we see in the U.S is the full support, yet the EU still has no concrete steps, though in the moral sense I know they will support it, although I don’t know how will they proceed forward,” Thaçi said.