Who is the Serbian criminal who led the massacre of the Jashari Family?
The Zeri newspaper has provided a document (Sluzbena beleska) of the Serbian MUP, detailing the actions of the so-called Special Operations Unit of the Serbian MUP, led by Milorad Ulemek – Legija (in 2003 he had organized the killing of the Prime Minister of Serbia, Zoran Djindjic) in the battles of 5, 6 and 7 March that took place in Prekaz. According to this document, 66 Albanians, two JSO members, and 9 ITS members were killed on 5, 6 and 7 March 1998.
Beginning of March this year marks the 22nd anniversary of the Jashari’s glorious battle against Serbia’s police and military forces. On March 5, 1998, over 5,000 Serbian policemen and soldiers landed in the Jashari neighborhood of Prekaz in order to start the battle with the legendary KLA commander, Adem Jashari, his family and other Jashari’s, the Zeri newspaper reports.
After three days of unequal fighting, during which Serbia used heavy artillery, the legendary KLA commander Adem Jashari with 20 members of his family and with 36 other Jashari’s men, women and children, were killed heroically. It was just Hamez Jashari’s 11-years old daughter, Besarta, who managed to avoid death.