Agim Veliu: We’re not close to reaching agreement with Vetevendosje
When asked today about the negotiating progress withg Vetevendosje (VV), during an interview with TV Klan Kosova, Deputy Leader of the LDK, Agim Veliu, said that his party is not close to reaching an agreement with VV.
“We don’t know how long we will have to wait for them, and for how long will VV became able to provide a solution, or an opportunity for its coalition partner, to whom it’s saying ‘come to govern together’,” Veliu said.
“But that “let’s govern together” and “let’s do what just I’m saying” cannot go together,” he added.
“VV thus must take its own responsibilities. It’s her responsibility to establish the institutions by acting concretely, as it emerged as the first party. The LDK i s not the first party, it’s the second. Hence, by being in this position we’ve to wait the steps of VV, as it’s responsible for establishing of the institutions,” Veliu explained.